
As many of you probably know, the Walking Dead season finale aired on Sunday.  However, I have a hard time letting go, so I'm going to talk about it in my blog post.  As I was watching the finale my roommates were bitching and hating on it like they usually do, but one of them actually brought up a valid point; that there are some eery parallels between Walking Dead and Toy Story.  I guess he had seen something on the internet that mashed up a bunch of photos about it, however, since he doesn't know the Walking Dead too well, I had to look it up for myself to see what these parallels were.  With some help from Google, I was able to find said mash-up, which was put together by John Wray. 

Here's the link:

Although there are of course many differences between Toy Story and Walking Dead, one can't deny these similarities, such as the Rick-Woody correspondence, the fact that they both lead a group of different characters and are devoted to their kid (Carl/Andy) above all else.  The other parallel that jumped out was the comparison between the Sunnyside daycare facility and the Woodbury community, each led by a seemingly friendly character (the governor/lots-o'-huggin' bear) who turns out to be a psychopath who can't get past the loss of his girl.  Maybe that's why I like Walking Dead so much; it reminds me subconsciously of one of my favorite childhood movie series.  Then again, maybe it's the apocalyptic, survival-driven zombie setting.  Or maybe it's both.  At any rate, it's something to think about for fans of Walking Dead, such as myself, who are counting down the days until season 4 in October.


4 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    This is great. Funny stuff.

  2. R Ventro says:

    This makes me wonder, which storyline came first....?

  3. Unknown says:

    I never would have made that comparison, but that's pretty awesome.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Though I have never come across or know about their similarities, both are just fun!
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