
If we step back and look at society as a whole, we witness that people are more or less following the mass horde of others. We witness a society in which ideas and conscious decisions consume us. Some people are drawn to sugary and fatty foods that they know is not good for them. They almost loose the ability to stop eating, they loose agency. Even though they know the actions they take are slowly killing them, consuming them, they cannot stop. This happens with a number of actions, or pleasures, we desire in life. For example some people are consumed by alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. They loose their ability to say no and to make rational decisions. Doesn't this sound very similar to the sickness that is Zombieism.

This pandemic isn't just related to the consumption of foods and substances either. Today we witness an overall greedier society, a society that wants more and more, a materialistic society. Some people don't know why they want more, or how to stop consuming. In some places we see people that have their heads filled with the idea that they must always push harder and put more effort into their work. That they must submit their lives to their work and run off of minimal levels of sleep. The work consumes their lives and can eventually, in a rare trend happening in Japan, kill them.

There has been a recent epidemic in Japan in which people are working so hard and sleep so little that they fall over dead. The deaths could be heart-attacks, stokes, or someone falling asleep on a train and never waking up. These people have been consumed with the idea that they must keep going and keep working without ever stopping. It sounds a lot like a zombie horde that can't stop its pursuit of living human. We talked about how zombies main prey is also their main predator, and they don't have the agency to say no, and not go after it. This same idea applies to this bizarre and tragic event happening in Japan. These people lose their agency and ability to make rational decisions (like sleeping, or not pursuing that extra monthly bonus) that could save their lives. This event has even become common enough for it to reserve a title, and a spot in the dictionary. It is called Karoshi.


2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    There is too much snow in Japan for this to be happening...go skiing, people!Stop working so hard and save yourselves. Also have heard that there is a pretty big methamphetamine problem in Japan (Meth was created in Japan). People take the drug, among other reasons, to become super efficient in their jobs, not sleeping for days and doing as much work as they can...

  2. Rachael says:

    Perfect example of why I shouldn't have to work. You should send this to my mom

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