Thursday, March 14, 2013

Watch Out! Other Humans!

            As humans we are always running into problems, namely, other humans. Whether someone backs into your car, starts an argument with you for no good reason, or spills piping hot coffee all over your lap, other people have the tendency to ruin your day, intentionally or not. This seems to be the case during a zombie apocalypse as well. We see this in the Walking Dead, particularly in the current season as Rick and his crew prepare to do battle with the Governor. For those of you who don’t watch the show (*Spoiler Alert*), the Governor wants to take the prison from it’s current occupants (Rick & Co.) because a) he’s a psycho with some serious screws loose, b) he feels threatened by Ricks group, and c) the prison will provide more protection from the “walkers” than his town center. We’ve already seen a couple shootouts between the two groups and the next one is sure to be much more costly to both sides.
            On page eighty-three of World War Z, T. Sean Collins describes the breach of his boss’s super house not by zombies but by other humans. When the house, which was suited up with high tech security, was broadcasted on television, other people figured out where it was and attacked, seeking it for themselves. This resulted in humans dying as a result of other humans.
            Another good example comes from This Is Not A Test. Things were going O.K. for the group until Mr. Baxter found his way into the school, freaking them all out and then later biting Cary.
So you see, during a zombie apocalypse, not only do you have to be on your guard against the undead but also against the living. Even though the living still have “agency” one can not be fully prepared for what someone else might do in dire situations like an apocalypse. As a member of the Muir Survivor’s Defense Council, my suggestion would be to stick with a small group (ideally people you can rely on and trust like friends or family) and trust no one else outside of your immediate group. If this is not an option and your stuck with a bunch of strangers, good luck, because one of those people is probably going to get you killed, that is, if a zombie doesn’t get to you first.

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