Friday, May 10, 2013

Could it really happen?

We spent a lot of time playing the "what if" game this semester. It was fun...a lot of fun and I certainly learned a lot and thought about a lot of cool things. Thats the fun with things that are fantasy..its just that..fantasy it probably wont happen. On the other hand, the reason its fun to think about is that it could happen. I'm feeling a little nostalgic pending graduation and so I'm curious if, and this is more of a question to myself, what will happen when it happens? In 4 months I will be sitting at a desk, unfortunately I will be sitting behind a desk for the next 40 years (maybe) and I'll have a lot of time to think. What will I do? Will it ever happen? Frankly, I dont know. I think thats the point, or at least what I took away from the matter what it will really suck if and when the zombies come. The sad thing, people, besides ourselves, probably have not spent as much time as we have thinking about it. So what will happen? Will it be The Walking Dead? Will it be Warm Bodies? Will it be World War Z? I think the answer is that it wont be any of them. It'll be its own thing but I'll be prepared because I have read those books and seen those movies and had those conversations. Thats cool but I will still probably become a zombie. Im okay with that.

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