Thursday, March 14, 2013

We did say cardio is important... if any of you are interested you can take this opportunity to work on that cardio while also honing your zombie-dodging skills.

I stumbled on this somehow and I gotta say, it looks awesome.  People can sign up as either humans and zombies, who can either be fast-moving or slow-moving.  Humans have to make it through the course without losing all 3 of their flags that represent their vital organs.

Here's the video for it:


  1. This is such a cool idea. Not only do you get exercise, but you also get to have fun! There are a lot of things like the spartan race, but this seems like a much better time and still a great workout.

  2. When I read this I thought of the spartan races too! This definitely has the potential to be a fun time, especially for all the zombie lovers out there.

  3. This looks awesome! What better way to get exercise than dodging a horde of zombies? The zombie with the chainsaw at the 1:10 mark would definitely get me running.

  4. This looks like a lot of fun. I ran a tough mudder last summer and it was one of the most challenging things that I have done before. The only downside about it was that you could more or less take it at your own pace, there was no motivation to keep you going rather than your own and your teammates. That why I like the idea of having Zombies in an obstacle course like this because it would make you run as fast as you could to get away.

  5. I did a tough mudder in CO last summer, and Miles is right, its an incredible experience but the motivation is a little lacking. I was lucky enough to run it with good friends and had the motivation, but there were plenty of people who dropped out. The Zombie obstacle course is a great idea! I think it would really challenge the whole dynamic. Not only would it motivate you, but I think if there was a team aspect, it would be interesting to see if anyone get left behind/sacrificed or if everyone stays together.
    I stumbled upon a Zombie mall experience a few months back.
    Looks slightly interesting...

  6. This looks great. I was considering doing Tough Mudder, but I think I ma have to look into this a bit further!

  7. This is wicked cool! I was thinking of giving this zombie 5k a shot in Seattle as I am moving out there after school. It's called the Red, White and Dead walk and is part of "Zombcon" which is the largest zombie culture convention and survival expo in the world. You can get more information from their website which is listed below:

  8. This looks pretty awesome, and a bit scary. Almost like an extended haunted house except the "monsters" can actually touch you and you put your agility skills to use. They did a great job with the video for this as well.
