Sunday, May 12, 2013

China's Dead Animals

Since reading WWZ I've been keeping an eye on China, and what I've seen has been disturbingly foreshadowing. It started with dead pigs being pulled out of the Huangpu river. My first thought was obviously that interview in WWZ when we think we've found the "source" of the virus - in a body of water in China. No, no, Jen. Stay clam. It's just China cracking down on contaminated meat leading to farmers having animals they can't sell to slaughter and disposing of them in any way they can. 
Then there were waves of dead ducks. Just… dead ducks. Everywhere. This was when news of the new strain of bird flu was picking up speed, and everyone was freaking out- remember that picture of the mother and daughter screaming and running away from a goose? Yeah. These dead ducks could have been similarly affected by disease like the pigs, or their death could have been people's response to the new bird flu outbreak. But definitely not zombies. Nope. 

Finally, the dead dogs. Thousands of them. Okay, okay, NOW it just might be zombies. At first they where just being found in the river (last count was 16,000 dead pigs pulled from the Huangpu river), but then they were being found in homes and farms in the Henan province- near chemical factories. And through all of these carcasses, the Chinese government still denies that they have anything to do with the new bird flue. 

Yep. The zombie virus has started. Prepare yourself. 

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