Friday, May 10, 2013

Zombie political system?

In Zone One, author Colson Whitehead describes the protagonist as having followed the “American checklist.” The American checklist, like any agenda, results in zombifying effects: you forget to think for yourself and question things, and follow the agenda. This particularly concerning for our political system, which is mostly represented by two very opposing sides. If you are a democrat, you must think this way about x,y, and z. If you identify as a republican, it can be assumed you have a particular stance on x,y, and z.
These opposing political agendas are representative of the whole good vs. evil scenario, and even team sports. During the debates we crowd around the tv and cheer for one democratic or republican representative while booing the other, much like Superbowl Sunday. What our political system says to me, is that we have a desire to pick a team in order to feel a part of something instead of think about what we are participating in. It’s a given well participate, we just have to pick a side. This is the political system many accept without thinking about. There’s no hype around the question of the system itself, but again, who are the players within it.
I know none of this is groundbreaking thought here, but it’s reminiscent of what we know about zombies: they move aimlessly and can’t think. The drive they have is impulsive, and its to eat brains. The living have well-functioning minds and are able to have logic thought. Zombies can’t, but they want brains more than we do. ….yeah, this whole ironic-ending thing didn’t really work for me here, did it. Oh well. Keep calm and zombie on…I bet that’s already on a t-shirt. 

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