
    As I was looking for a topic to post about this week I decided that the best way was to type "zombie" into Google. Of course a wide range of pictures and websites came up, but there was one link that surprised me. The third or fourth link on the page was from the CDC. Immediately, I started to wonder if there had been some case of zombie-ism that occurred. Before completely freaking out, I decided to look at the website. To my relief, there hasn't been some sort of outbreak. The page went on to talk about how the CDC has used zombies to help people prepare for other natural disasters. Apparently, if you are prepared for a zombie apocalypse, you are well prepared for nearly any other natural disaster.
     There was another tab on the website that had the name zombie so of course I clicked on it. It then lead me to a link for a zombie novella. This reading leads you through a zombie outbreak with three main characters. It describes ways to prepare and handle the outbreak. This is the link for the text: http://www.cdc.gov/phpr/zombies_novella.htm
    Being a citizen in my group, I thought it was really interesting how there are official government websites that describe how to prepare. Granted, it is clear that the main goal is to help people prepare for other disasters, but it is still important to note that there very well could be a zombie outbreak (especially with the new "zombie" cells we discussed in class). The novel is a great way to get kids to read it also. This shows them what to do in an emergency. Maybe it won't be a zombie outbreak, but there may be another emergency that the novel will tell the kids how to prepare for.
    Seeing the CDC website spiked my interest into what other things I could find on Google.   Coincidentally, the very next link caught my eye. It was labeled "5 scientific reasons a zombie apocalypse could actually happen. This website describes five things that already exist in our world that could lead to zombie-ism. These things, such as a parasite, just need to adapt and develop. The number 2 reason really sparked my interest. It mentioned stem cell research and how we are studying how to bring dead cells back to life. Does this also remind you of the recent development we talked about in class? A bit scary isn't it? Here is a link to the website: http://www.cracked.com/article_15643_5-scientific-reasons-zombie-apocalypse-could-actually-happen_p4.html
   There are so many legitimate ways that zombie-ism can occur. There are websites, like the CDC, that even mention how to prepare for an apocalypse. It almost seems as if it is inevitable. I don't want to be all doom and gloom, but maybe we should stop trying to bring back dead cells and conducting these experiments on animals and other cells. My guess is that if there ever is an apocalypse, it will be caused by humans. I'm all for science, don't get me wrong, but when you look at some of the research being done, that we know about, it's scary. Imagine all of the things we don't know as well.

Ps. I was looking through the comments from the page with the five scientific reasons. Sometimes the comments are the best part. One person described how disappointing a zombie apocalypse might turn our because so many people will be ready! Silly people!!!


2 Responses so far.

  1. It is crazy what a google search can lead you to, especially since it is leading you to the top results for that search word. I really like how it brings you to the CDC and how you described it as not exactly describing more on a possible zombie-apocalypse. Anything with a government agency makes me speculate even deeper about a deeper meaning, as in maybe they believe there is a potential outbreak for a zombie-apocalypse, but disclosing that information could cause a panic in itself. Then again, so many conspiracy thoughts could sprout out of thinking deeper about the government. Comparable to The Walking Dead, when the CDC scientist finally discloses to Rick that everyone is infected with the zombie gene. Leave it to the government to wait till the last possible moment to release important information like that, even way after the zombie outbreak already occurred.

  2. Rachael says:

    I love the idea that we could be too ready for the Zombie apocalypse. Because what's the fun if 75% of the population within the first week? I can't decide whether I am amused or terrifie that there are people who are worried that the Zombie apocalypse will arrive but it won't be fun anymore because no one will be surprised. 1) I am pretty sure that we aren't prepared 2) I think most of the people who think they prepared do so because they are really good at putting down zombie hordes using a controler...this talent does not actually carry over to physical prowess. But I mean I could be wrong, guess we'll just have to wait and see

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