

All you do is wander,’ she complained. ‘Where are we going?’ she asks. ‘I don’t know,’ I respond. ‘You’re looking for them aren’t you?’ she asks. ‘I’m hungry,’ I respond. ‘You used to be one of them you know? She says. ‘No you used to be one of them,’ I correct. This isn’t the first time she’s said something like that. She’s always trying to change me. Fix me. Make me remember. But all I remember is the hunger. I only want to eat. ‘It isn’t always about you,’ she said. ‘Then what is it about?’ I only say to entertain her. ‘It’s about me too,’ she says. ‘I don’t understand,’ I reply. ‘You never do,’ she said giving up and I sit on a bench. ‘Why don’t we go to the city?’ she asks. ‘There might be food there,’ she adds. ‘I want food,’ I respond getting up and turning in the direction she leads me. ‘You are so slow,’ she complains most of the way there. ‘You should learn to drive,’ she says. ‘I could teach you, it would be so much faster.’ ‘I don’t understand,’ I respond. ‘You moving faster, food soon,’ she elaborates.  I’m hungry,’ I respond changing the subject because I don’t understand.

Finally,’ she says excited as we enter city limits. ‘At least I can travel,’ she says but I don’t think it was to me. I continue into the city following the noise I hear. ‘Food,’ I think getting faster as I follow the noise. I stumble along the street running into others like me, but the noise draws me. I run into a horde and stop, ‘They’re like me,’ I think looking at them, but I hear noise as one runs into the other, ‘Food?’ I keep searching. ‘Food, I’m so hungry’ I think as I stumble around the noises distracting me. None of them smell right. After my desperate search I realize they’re all like me. ‘You found your friends,’ she says returning to me. I keep shuffling away, too many no food.

‘Where are we going now?’ she asks. ‘Forward,’ I reply.


2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    Wow, this is amazing! I really enjoyed Part I, and Part II is just as good. :) The struggle between the zombie and her human identity is fascinating. I loved the part when the zombie tells her human self that she "used to be one of them", after her human self reminds the zombie self that she used to be human. I think this story definitely fits into the discussions we've had in class on whether an individual's zombie identity is the same as their identity prior to being a zombie.

  2. osezno says:

    The dialogue is still kind of confusing to read, but I actually think it's a good choice now, since it really demonstrates the struggle between two speakers within one space in the zombie's head.

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