
Nobody likes a dictator. That being said, we think that our ideal belief system in our community would be absolute belief in the fearless leader. Maybe cult-like by today's standards, the belief system in our community would put faith in the leading council above all else. Now, we don't need to be elevated to deities. We are just human. In times of danger, however, sometimes it's best to let the council make the difficult calls. For this reason, we need the unquestioned conviction of all our citizens. Let's face it, democracy doesn't really work in an apocalypse. There isn't time to vote when zombies are banging on our 10 foot high barriers. When we say shoot, we want you to shoot. No hesitation. Obedience is crucial.

Trust me, it's for your own good. Plus, when something goes wrong, you get to say, "I didn't do anything wrong." You can blame us. We've only got your best interests at heart.

Because obedience is held to such a high standard, we might want to discourage any other belief systems. We won't make you burn your bibles, but now isn't really the time to listen to the Jehovah's witness knocking on your door. You never know, they might be infected.

As soon was we have everything secure, we promise you can have your agency back. It's just a necessary sacrifice for prolonged security.


2 Responses so far.

  1. Unknown says:

    I definitely see where you're coming from, and I would also advocate the need for a ruling body with absolute power in times of peril, but what about checks and balances? How do you ensure that "it's for your own good" doesn't change into an evil, power-hungry dictatorship?

  2. Unknown says:

    When Alessandra and I wrote this, it was from the point of the ruling council. From us, a power-hungry dictatorship wouldn't be all that bad. But from a normal perspective, I completely get what you're saying. It's a problem that I have yet to see given a satisfactory resolution in any of the zombie media I have encountered. ( That being said, I haven't seen much)

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