
Take a look at the graph showed above, what seems to be reoccurring with the switch between a democratic president and a republican president? Well if you didn't notice, whenever a republican president is in office (noted on the top part of the graph), the percentage of zombie movies in comparison to vampire movies is significantly higher and vice versa with democrats and vampires. This is a long and on-going theory within politics how democrats think zombies are a metaphor for republicans and republicans think vampires are a metaphor for democrats. Since this is a Zombie class, I will focus closely on one point about republican zombies.

This has been a very central theme/metaphor we talked about throughout our classes, having zombies seen as a metaphor for mindless consumerism, which is what democrats fear. This can be seen clearly through republican ideals, how every time stocks go down, or the economy is struggling, the go-to answer seems to be "buy more stuff." And that is what America does, we keep on consuming as a massive horde of zombies. We consume, and don't look back for consequences.

So do you think Zombie and Republican go hand in hand? There are more in depth analyses of this, and I just briefly touched the surface of this because I would like to see other connections that can be made. Also, why do you think there are more zombies movies during a republican presidency? Propaganda or coincidence?


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