
As citizens of The Muir Survivors, we felt that there should be a common belief in unity, so that we, as a community, can function properly for survival. In addition, we felt that each citizen should hold onto or develop their specific beliefs -- whether they be religious or philosophical -- during the zombie apocalypse. However, due to the apocalypse, we felt that these beliefs would be tested, and either be strengthened or torn down. We also discussed how leadership may influence a citizen's beliefs, especially when they feel that they must rely on leadership for survival.  

Another subject that we discussed was how we should prepare children growing up in a world with zombies. We felt that we should let them know about the dangers of the zombie, since living with zombies would be the way of life.


3 Responses so far.

  1. Individual freedom of religious/philosophical choice is something I can get behind. Also, a good idea to educate the kids about zombies. Keeping people in the dark about the reality of their world would only lead to bad outcomes.

  2. osezno says:

    Personally I liked this citizen belief system the best, because it seems to be the most optimistic in terms of religion, despite the sense of doom to it. The others seem to have abandoned whatever faith they had altogether.

    This system also is practical through the adaption to zombie apocalypse life in terms of rearing children.

  3. Unknown says:

    I think this definetly is a good system as it really puts the stress and faith in religion. In times like a zombie apocolypse religion would definetely play a huge role, whether for better or for worse according to the individual.

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