

Here is my humble review with a mild spoiler:

First 40 minutes I was confused as hell and wondered why I was watching a lifetime movie on drug addiction.

60 minutes into the movie I had my hands over my eyes and was shouting "SHOOT HER IN THE  HEAD!!! SHOOT HER IN THE HEAD!!!" Gurl put down the meat slicer!!!!

80 minutes into the movie I was bored...could care less about the bloodsplatter.  I started thinking about all the laundry and grocery shopping I needed to do.

Talk about an anti-climactic ending...
SO the finale happens and the lord of all evil or whatever crawls out of the ground....and guess what the lord of all evil looked like??????  He looked like the little girl from the ring...yep, like a little emaciated school girl who fell down a well. I expected the lord of all evil to maybe look a little...I dunno....More burly? More evil?

The movie was over and I felt like I needed to take a shower and read the bible.

I give it 4 nails in the head out of 10 nails in the head.

Lessons I learned from the Evil Dead:

1. By no means should a registered nurse ever fill the role of a doctor.
2. Sometimes the junkie is right.
3. Never open a book made of human skin, wrapped in barbed wire. Never.

Highlight of seeing the Evil Dead was the pre-movie trivia on screen.

Question: What was the first zombie film?
Audience: uhhhhh???
Me shouting: White Zombie made in 1932 staring Bella lugosi!!!!!!! I'm in a Zombie class, no big deal.

Anybody else see this movie? 
Was it scary? 
Did you like it?  
How do you think it compares to the original?


2 Responses so far.

  1. R Ventro says:

    Bruce Campbell + Chin of Bruce Campbell + Chainsaw = HAPPINESS.

  2. Unknown says:

    Seeing it sunday - looking forward to forming an opinion! Not to sound deliberately pretentious but I am generally pretty skeptical of Hollywood remakes, particularly those of the horror genre and ESPECIALLY if the original is from the 'golden age' of U.S. horror cinema, like 1960 to the mid 80s. But for what it is and what the genre is these days it looks alright; certainly no Bruce Campbell E.D. but a lot of good special effects splatter, some nice possessions, and lots of dark dark filters. I will be sure to keep your review in mind, though. Very glad to see they kept the auto-arm-amputation a la E.D. II in the plot!

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